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Writer's pictureFr. George Salzmann

Message for July 3, 2024

Today’s first reading from Ephesians 2:19-22 reminds us that “You are no longer strangers and sojourners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God!”

Welcoming others into the Church cures them of their loneliness, fills their lives, as it does ours, with meaning and purpose!

St Paul’s Church reredos has twelve columns, each headed - in each capital - with an apostle facing out; above them, shields with the dozen phrases of the Apostle's Creed. The Church is built on the pillars of the apostles (who witnessed the resurrection and all that Christ did and said), with Christ Himself as the cornerstone.  Each of us are fitted into it as “living stones”. 

How important that we fit ourselves to “be built upon this most solid foundation, its truth guaranteed by the Apostolic Tradition - teaching not newly-invented, but handed on in an unbroken line back to the Apostles and indeed Christ. 

“In Him you are being built into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. 

We shall have a First Thursday dinner tomorrow at 7pm here in DiGi. Please join us beforehand for Adoration and Confession if you’ve an opening then in so busy a holiday and help build up The Body of Christ!

Fact:  After Lexington/Concord and Bunker Hill, the Continental Congress formed an army and chose George Washington to head it. 

Quiz:  Where did he take command of that Army?

Hint:  It’s shown on a city’s seal as one of its two great treasures. 

He took command and reviewed his troops on this very day, July 3rd, a year before The Declaration of Independence was signed July 3, 1775. 

Blest July 4th!  Have great cookouts and also feel welcome here for dinner later/earlier!

God Love You!

Father George Salzmann OSFS 

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