Every Lent the entire Church, around the world, goes on retreat. And we do too!
We all notice the edifying increase of students at our daily Masses here at St Paul’s (Mon to Fri. 8am and 12:10pm; Sat 9am).
Our confessions here are devout and numerous. Yet their number grows notably in Lent - as is Lent's purpose. We have an extra confessor in St. Paul’s Church every Saturday for 3:00 to 4:30pm Confessions: both the Reconciliation Room and the Confessional are available. On the Wednesdays after Ash Wednesday we add 6:30pm to 8:00pm Confessions as well.
Campus Scripture Prayer Groups are begun among friends and then remain on their campuses after their graduation to open the Scriptures, and us, to God in years ahead.
On Ash Wednesday, we proclaim our Need for God. Our hunger for God’s Word in the Scriptures. Our thirst for God’s Grace in the Sacraments.
On Ash Wednesday, implicit in our repentance, we admit that God is God and that we are not – no matter how we had acted before.
Opening our hearts to the God Who Made Us is the Seminal Experience of a Lifetime!
We were God’s Idea in the First Place!
Who could understand us better?
Who could be more concerned for us?
Who could help and love us better?
And what Conversion could be more joyous than conversion to The Good News? That God Loves Us So.
“All I know of tomorrow is that Providence will rise before the sun!” That line of Lacordaire was my mother’s favorite. God’s love and care for us will flood our lives with light and hope! If we but let him. Surely we shall!
God Bless Each of You for All the Good You Do!
I am praying for you and your families, classmates and friends afar amidst all the concerns you have.
May you never doubt God’s Love!
May you ever be a Light in this world of God’s Love for everyone!
A Blessed Lent!
Yours ever,
Father George Salzmann OSFS